What Is Trip Hopping?

Trip Hopping is a term that I coined for visiting multiple cities and counties on a single trip. Think of it like club hopping but on a much grander scale and with better morning-after memories. 🙂

Most people only travel to a single destination for several days or weeks at a time. However, I like to travel to multiple destinations during the same time frame.

Back in 2015 I embarked upon my first Trip Hopping experience and bounced around Europe for 14 days. I was purchasing plane tickets the day of departure. It was pretty exciting and quite an adventure. It was during that trip that I fell in love with the idea of Trip Hopping!

I spent a couple of days in Amsterdam, flew from there and went over to London for a couple of days, left there and flew to Rome Italy for about 4 days, left there and went to Seville, Spain for a couple of more days, drove from Sevile over to Portugal and came back the next morning and hopped on a flight over to Paris for about 3 days.

That was one rocking roller coaster of a ride. I didn’t get to experience everything in each location, but I was able to get a nice feel for each city.

I’m a firm believer that life is not full of once in a lifetime experiences. I truly believe that I can and WILL go back to these cities for longer periods, at a later date.

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Why not just spend more time in a single city from the get go?

Well, what if I don’t really like a city or country after spending a couple of days there? It’s happened before. Trust me. You don’t want to be stuck in a place that you are not feeling. I certainly  don’t want to be stuck there for two whole weeks.

I often have hotel reservations that can be cancelled, penalty free, in the event I change my mind. In most of the countries where I trip hop, the flights are so cheap, that if I have to chalk it up as a loss, it’s not that devastating to my bank account.

Some of the flights in South East Asia and Europe are only $13 one way. I spend that going to a decent restaurant in the states.

If you haven’t tried trip hopping, I highly suggest that you give it a try. Your travel life will be forever changed. You can thank me later.

In the meantime, check out this video about how I flew to 5 countries for the price of 1.